MP3 Effortless English Player

by Innovative K



**** Note that this is a tool, it does not allow downloading any lesson. You must download to your computer before using it.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Designed to automatically ear training and help learners focus on listening but not interested in device drivers. It replaces completely for a large radio when used to listening.- Help for teachers and editors to easily create ear training programs more flexible and save time.
- You can add music to the playlist to relax after each listening post.
- It is also very useful when listening Spanish, Japanese, Chinese or other languages. You can also use it to practice singing or simply is written lyrics of a song.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Main function- Absolute accuracy Repeat a word or a sentence. Pauses between each replay.- Autoplay, retired under a preset time.- Creation of definition playback, pause, seek and save the file to share with everybody and play back as many times as you like. Change playback time so that you can learn to talk faster, slower.- Displays on-screen text reading applications.- Features of a normal player.- And some other exciting features for you to discover.